July 27, August 3, 10, 24, 31 (Saturday) 2:30pm-3:30pm

Through the practices of yoga, mindfulness, and pranayama (breathwork), this series empowers participants with tools that help build their physical strength and mental agility as they journey through their pregnancy and prepare for birth♡

This is a unique 5-week prenatal yoga series designed to give you the tools reconnect with your feminine, your body, and yourself. Each class would include Asana practice (physical yoga practice) & Meditation practice♡

Along the way, participants also benefit immensely from connecting with other mothers-to-be♡

Exclusive group of up to 5 mamas only♡

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Reiki Level One program with our Reiki Master Yan in August 2024♡ If you’d like to learn this beautiful healing modality, experience self healing, self growth, expand your intuition or facilitate healing for others then this program is for you♡

In Level One, we cover the basics of Reiki and how to use Reiki energy for self healing♡

* Reiki history, story and more
* The Reiki Principles
* The first Reiki Symbol
* Receiving Reiki Level One attunement
* Reiki self-healing techniques
* Introduction to Energy and Empaths
* Get to know Chakra and Chakra Balancing with Reiki
* Guided Reiki Meditation as well as Meditation Recordings for your future use
* How to use Reiki in daily life

You will get hands on experience so you walk away with the knowledge to practice and continue improving Reiki healing for yourself and your closed ones if you’d like to♡ 2 sessions of 3 hours each, Sunday AUG 4 & 11, 2:30-5:30pm♡

Small class sizes of up to exclusive 8 students to allow plenty of time for practice, discussions and questions♡ There’re no pre-requisites or special skills needed to attend this program♡ We’re all natural healers and Reiki is something we all have the ability to tap into♡

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《聲療淨化 - 連結內在:平衡七輪身心靈工作坊》| 8月31日・星期六・下午3:30pm-6:30pm舉行♡ 身心靈的平衡和諧是每個人的追求,人體的七大脈輪掌管著身體、情緒和心智的各個層面。通過檢視和調整這些能量中心,我們可以促進身心靈的整體健康♡ 是次工作坊由導師Billy和Carrie主持旨在引導參加者認識脈輪系統,並運用聲療、呼吸法和瑜伽實踐來平衡每一個脈輪。工作坊包括以下內容:

♡ 脈輪概論 - 認識七大脈輪及其功能
♡ 聲療和呼吸練習 - 利用頌缽音頻和特定呼吸法,喚醒和平衡每個脈輪
♡ 脈輪瑜伽 - 通過傳統瑜伽體式,連結身心,調整能量場
♡ 靜坐冥想 - 觀察內心、接納情緒、達成內在平和

通過這次身心靈之旅,您將學會傾聽內在的聲音,重新認識並接納自己,與他人建立更深厚的連結♡ 歡迎您一同探索身心靈的豐富世界! 名額有限,立即聯絡我們了解詳情及登記報名♡

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